The Secret Island on Planet Gibbonia
Deep within the fifth quantum universe, there is a perfect globe serviced by two suns.
The inhabitants of this world are direct descendants of the Gibbon – as the humans’ nearest descendants are the chimpanzee. Except the Gibbonian is of infinite intelligence, is vegetarian and does not own a television or a credit card (better put – credit cards do not own them.)
Gibbonia is both a civilisation and a philosophy.
We have no greedy monetary system and are advanced enough not to need one, thus releasing two-thirds of the population from accounting, ruling, and administering the petty units of power with its unfair distribution to fuel a concept known by older civilisations as ‘wealth’.
Neither do we rape our planet by the inefficient extraction and combustion of fossil fuels.
We have no direct government, therefore war is not possible without rulers making rules to kill in the name of said rulers.
Still in the drafting stage – Join our mailing list to be notified when due for publication and a glass of Gibbonian marsh cucumber gin will be yours. Click → HERE
Gibbonian Marsh Cucumber Production
Gibbonia grows the best marsh cucumbers this side of the giant ape glaciers of Glantrig.
Cucumber production, from the staple diet of everyday living to the best Cucumber gin on the fifth quantum universe and even beyond.
Fermented cucumber pulp from the super flatulent F1 hybrid produces methane that warms our homes and eases the burden on electricity while eliminating a wild jasmine scent.
Find this address
The Academy for Alternative Animals
42 Elephant Street. WC2, just off The Strand.
Of course, the street can’t be found if you are looking for it. The street finds you.
Something to do with entanglement and only existing if it’s not being observed
While developing the Teleporter we found a useful side effect.
When we teleport a person we break down them down to individual atoms and then reassemble them at the destination teleport terminal.
Now it occurred to the ‘Gibbonian Institute For Clever Things’ that we could at this juncture with some clever software reassemble the atoms in a different form – a different animal.
Hence the formation of the Triple A
The GibboTeleporter occupies basement floors -35 to -50. An atrium the size and height of a cathedral.
To the centre is the teleporter – it is neither solid nor ethereal, it just exists as a shape of perfectly arranged colours. It has no doors – you enter by walking up to it, and if security cleared, walk straight through.
It is piece of cake to become the animal you want or drop to the fifth quantum universe to orbit around planet Gibbonia and land on its moon – from there one takes a space tube (number 42 every 30 minutes) to the island of Gibbonia.
Einstein famously called it “spooky action at a distance,” since the GibboTeleporter seemed to send things faster than the speed of light, well not that really, but close.
Of course, if you don’t like the idea of a Teleportation you could take the journey by conventional means, noisy, smelly rockets and so on, that equates to around a trillion years – so take plenty of pre-packed sandwiches and space toothbrushes.
When you arrive Grysop, Gibbonia’s moon – chosen because it is in near planet orbit and saves the cost of a space station, – you are disembarked at a Teletransport hub.
After a rest and some super food washed down with ice cold cucumber sauvignon blanc, you are taken by Space tube (purchased from London Underground rolling stock and adapted by the Clever Gibbonian Works shop. fitted with rockets) it will get you to the Island of Gibbonia in comfort at rapid speed.